Worst indoor plants

Worst indoor plants

Some of the plant are not suitable to keep them, they may be toxic or not good for our health. People who love to breed plants should know these toxic or better to say worse plant to avoid keeping them. And there are some indoor plants which they can make some allergy for you, let’s know the most popular of them.

List of Worst indoor plants


Since ferns don’t give flower some people may think they can’t be allergic, but they reproduce by spores, and they can cause of the allergy for who they are sensitive. But for people who they love ferns, I have to tell Boston fern and Staghorn fern don’t cause allergic reactions.


This plant is toxic for people who their skin is so sensitive, actually if they touch this plant it can practice such as bee and the rashes would appear on the skin. So if you have sensitive skin Orchid is not good option for you.


This plant includes a substance which it can cause blisters on the skin of the gardeners, so if you are gardening this plant you must use gloves, unless don’t touch this plant.


This beautiful flower can cause allergy for people such as sneezing, also its leaves and stems of this flower can cause of the rashes on your skin. So if you are allergic person keep your distance with this plant.


Since Jupiter pollen spread in the air so fast, you should keep female of this plant till can not to produce any pollen. Because it can make a problem such as hay fever symptoms, including even people who generally don’t suffer from allergies.

Before introducing another one of the worst indoor plants If you have a dog as a pet at home, we recommend reading article dog safe houseplants.

Peace Lily

This beautiful indoor plant can make some problems for you, they can cause burning or swelling of the lips, mouth, and tongue. They can make problem in talking and eating abilities and etc. Also if they eaten by humans or animals they can cause to death.

Snake Plant

This popular beautiful indoor plant is very common in houses and offices but if they eaten by anyone have some side effect such as, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, Lethargy or depression.

Weeping Fig

This plant is so popular because they are slow growth plant. When you are choosing a place for this plant you have to make sure your pet doesn’t have access to the Weeping fig. because eating them by dogs can hurt the dogs very seriously. And another point that you should know this is this plant use to fell down its leaves, so if you have dogs you should gather those leaves before your dog eat or touch them.

Weeping Fig


When this beautiful indoor plant grows will spread on the floor. If Dieffenbachia eaten by kids or your pets can cause a problem for them and shows a mild moderate symptoms in both of the kids and pets. Such as extreme pain in mouth, oral saliva secretion, burning feels and swelling and numbing of the throat. So I don’t recommend you to keep this plant if you have kids or pets in your home.

English Ivy

This beautiful plant can make problem for you if you keep this plant more than normal number. These problems are such as, skin irritation, weakness, sore throat, dermatitis, rash, ataxia and fever. This plant tends to trail, so if you want to keep this plant with your kid or your pet make sure they don’t have any access to the English lvy.

At the end of this subject I have add this, all the plants during the day have a process which called photosynthesize, if I want to say simple in this process plants take carbon dioxide to feed and they fill the air with oxygen, which it is the cause of the life. But at night this process would be reverse and plants make carbon dioxide, so it can cause the shortage of the oxygen.

Based on this fact, avoid to keep plants more than normal.



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