11 Rabbit safe houseplants

Rabbit safe houseplants

All the people who they own a pet, should care about their feed and everything that is related to them. But the rabbit owners have to be so careful because most of the rabbits desire to eat the leaf of the plants. And here I can say the most popular question of the rabbit owners is “can my rabbit eat houseplant?” the wise answer to this question is “No” because there are a very big variety of plant that we can’t list them in safe and not safe so because of this we have to consider all of them poisonous and do not allow your rabbit eat any of them, but we research about some house plants safe for rabbits and made a short list of them for who care about rabbit safe houseplants.

Plant NameLightWateringSoilHumidityTemperatureFertilizing
Pilea PeperomioidesBright, indirect lightModerate, water when the soil is dryWell-draining potting mixMedium18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer
Jade PlantDirect sunlightLow, water when the soil is completely dryWell-draining cactus mix or potting soilLow10 to 24 degrees Celsius (50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Every two months in spring and summer
Polka Dot PlantBright, indirect lightModerate, water when the top inch of soil is dryWell-draining potting mixMedium18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer
Spider PlantBright, indirect lightModerate, water when the top inch of soil is dryWell-draining potting mixMedium18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer
Prayer PlantBright, indirect lightModerate, water when the top inch of soil is dryWell-draining potting mixHigh18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer
Money TreeBright, indirect lightLow, water when the soil is completely dryWell-draining potting mixLow18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Every two months in spring and summer
Rattlesnake PlantBright, indirect lightLow, water when the soil is completely dryWell-draining cactus mixLow10 to 24 degrees Celsius (50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Every two months in spring and summer
Watermelon PeperomiaBright, indirect lightModerate, water when the top inch of soil is dryWell-draining potting mixMedium18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer
Ponytail PalmDirect sunlightLow, water when the soil is completely dryWell-draining cactus mixLow10 to 24 degrees Celsius (50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Every two months in spring and summer
Lucky BambooBright, indirect lightModerate, keep roots submerged in waterFiltered or distilled waterHigh18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit)Monthly in spring and summer

List of houseplants safe for rabbits

Pilea Peperomioides

This plant loves sunlight but not in direct of it. Its leaves desire to grow to the sunlight, so because of this be sure that rotate your plant three times in a week. When they need watering their leaves get droopy.

Pilea Peperomioides

Jade Plant

This plant is so popular because of the oval shaped leaves and their strong stems, which on mature period they would turn into woody. Jade needs enough sunlight during a day and one another property of them is they grow up slowly. Finally jade is totally safe plant for your rabbit.

How to Care for Jade Plants? To maintain the jade plant, as stated on the spruce website, the following must be observed

Caring for a jade plant is easy, as long as you understand the plant’s basic needs for soil, water, and light. Here are the main care requirements for growing a jade plant:

  • Plant in loose, well-draining soil. A succulent potting mix is the best option.
  • Place in a bright window that receives indirect light; a south-facing or west-facing window works well.
  • Water the plant frequently during the spring and summer to keep the soil moist—but never soggy. In the winter, reduce watering to about once per month.
  • Use a 20-20-20 fertilizer during the growing season to promote robust growth.
It might interest you to know that the Jade plant, in addition to being non-toxic to rabbits, as mentioned in safe plants for birds, is also safe for birds.

Polka Dot Plant

This beautiful plant exists in many colors such as pink, green, red and… maintenance of them is easy until they are not in front of direct sunlight. Good news about Polka Dot is that they can adapt to so many ranges of the light. So it is not poison plant for your bunny.

Polka Dot Plant

Spider Plant

Keeping this plant is too easy and they grow so fast and they can reproduce little spider in short time. About watering them, don’t worry because they can warn you with their leaves color, when the time for watering is.

Spider Plant

Prayer Plant

The Prayer plant has colorful leaves and their leaves have complicated pattern. This plant has many type, but all of them are bunny friendly.  This plant is not easy to maintain because of this we don’t recommend it as a first plant in your house for your bunny.

Prayer Plant

In addition to the above, if you also have a cat in your home, we suggest you also check out the Dog Safe Houseplant article.


Money Tree

Money tree is a tropical plant and the maintenance of this is very easy, if you keep it in suitable situation it can live for fifteen years. They are nationally from Mexico and they can live there for eighteen years.

Rattlesnake Plant

This easy maintenance plant is very popular in Brazil but in few last year it come in another nation and the most cause of this is the easy maintenance of it. These plants don’t need too much sunlight, they can survive in many ranges of levels.

Calathea Jungle Velvet

This beautiful plant have long green leaves with purple background. To stimulate the native environment for this plant in your house can be difficult, you have to make high temperature and boost the humidity.

Watermelon Peperomia

This plant is very delicate because their huge leaves are kept by thin stems. So you have to be ready to lose some leaves around your house. This plant prefer to be in front of the mid-level of the sunlight. You should be careful don’t watering this too much, because it can kill your plant.


Ponytail Palm

This characterful plant is totally harmless to your rabbit and it’s ok if your rabbit eat its leaves. Actually ponytail palm is not a tree and even not a palm, it is succulent because of this they don’t need too much attention to maintenance.

Before we introduce another bunny safe houseplant, we suggest taking a look at the article on the Most Beautiful Indoor Plants.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is the best option for who want to have a plant but they don’t have enough time to maintain of them. Lucky bamboo can grow without any attention all it need is a little sunlight and a little warmth.


Can rabbits eat houseplants?

As stated on the website bunnylady :

Indoor potted plants can be a particular danger to rabbits. When rabbits only have limited access to plants, their natural curiosity can take over causing the rabbit to nibble on whatever is available. If that happens to be a poisonous plant, they may end up eating a lot before you even notice. It’s best to make sure any indoor potted plants are safe for rabbits, or to keep them completely away from your rabbit’s reach.

What happens if rabbit eats house plant?

As stated on the website thehealthypetclub :

If the worst happens and your rabbit happens to eat something harmful, you should immediately rush your pet to your vets. Once eaten, these harmful plants may cause symptoms such as seizures, loss of appetite or digestive signs of intestinal inflammation.

Why does my rabbit eat all my plants?

As stated on the website rushfields :

Rabbits are curious creatures, so they’re likely to nibble any new plants in your garden just to find out what they are. It’s a good idea to protect new plants until they get big enough to be less attractive to rabbits (remembering that rabbits can reach up to 50cm (20in) high by standing on their hind legs).

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