Pachira Aquatica: A Luxurious Addition to Interior Decor

Pachira Aquatica: A Luxurious Addition to Interior Decor

Pachira Aquatica, commonly known as the Money Tree, is considered a stunning and captivating indoor plant. With its easy care requirements and long lifespan, it exudes a sense of luxury. Especially if you’re fond of incorporating plants into the interior decor of your living room or hallway, this plant, with its unique allure, can serve as a prominent decorative element. To some extent, the placement of the Money Tree is recognized in Feng Shui, and it is utilized accordingly.

In this article, we’ll familiarize ourselves with the various names of Pachira, its care requirements, and intriguing facts about this money tree.

Proper Care of Pachira

Growing and caring for Pachira is straightforward and doesn’t involve much complexity. To care for the Money Tree, various factors such as temperature, climate, light, humidity, soil, etc., need to be considered. Below is a brief overview of each:

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Appropriate Soil for Pachira:

For Pachira care, well-draining and nutrient-rich soil are suitable. A blend of sand, perlite, clay, and loam is excellent for Pachira potting soil, facilitating optimal growth. It is recommended to use a mix of 60% prepared potting soil and 40% perlite.

Pachira plant is a hidden source of wealth, not only in your financial accounts but also in hearts and energies.

Required Watering for Pachira:

Required Watering for Pachira

How should Pachira be watered? While you should never over-soak the plant’s soil, Pachira requires more moisture compared to other indoor plants. If the soil of this plant becomes excessively wet, its roots may start to rot, posing a threat to the overall plant health.

Appropriate Humidity for the Money Tree:

Creating a humid environment around the plant helps it experience the best growth conditions. Pachira is fond of humidity but is unable to retain excessive moisture on its own. Therefore, ensuring the required humidity is crucial for maintaining a Money Tree in your home.

Light for Pachira:

Pachira requires abundant light, but the good news is that you can place the plant in bright indirect light without any issues in its growth process. While Pachira is adaptable to bright light, intense midday sunlight in the summer is not suitable for its growth conditions.

Placing the Pachira plant in the living space according to Feng Shui, particularly in the south or east part of the house, has positive effects. According to Chinese beliefs, this positioning promotes the absorption of wealth, blessings, and prosperity.

Necessary Temperature for Pachira:

Necessary Temperature for Pachira

A temperature range of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius is perfectly suitable for maintaining the Pachira plant. This plant does not tolerate higher or lower temperatures well, and deviations may lead to issues with its leaves.

Required Fertilization for Pachira:

It is advisable to fertilize the Pachira plant twice a month during its growth seasons. The growth seasons for this plant typically start in April and continue until September. Fertilizing Pachira during this period is essential for its health.

Repotting Pachira:

When the plant outgrows its current pot to the extent that it becomes too small or unable to support the plant’s weight, it’s time to consider repotting. Repotting should be done when necessary to ensure the continued well-being of the Money Tree.

propagation of Pachira:

Pachira can be propagated through the following two methods:

Propagation by Stem Cuttings:

Taking stem cuttings and allowing them to root in water or soil is a common method for propagating Pachira.

Propagation by Seeds:

Pachira can also be propagated from seeds, although this method is less commonly used.

Pests and Diseases of Pachira:

After acquiring a Pachira plant, various factors can contribute to different diseases in the plant and negatively affect its growth conditions. Among the most common problems and diseases of Pachira are:

Rotting of Plant Leaves:

Excessive watering can lead to gradual rotting of the roots and leaves of the plant. Improper soil drainage can also contribute to this issue.

Yellowing of Pachira Leaves:

Insufficient moisture can result in the yellowing of the plant’s leaves. Additionally, improper fertilization can lead to similar problems.

Common Issues and Diseases of Pachira:

Rotting of Plant Leaves:

If overwatered, the roots and leaves of the plant may gradually rot. Poor soil drainage can also contribute to this issue.

Yellowing of Pachira Leaves:

Yellowing of Pachira Leaves

Insufficient moisture can lead to the yellowing of the plant’s leaves. Improper fertilization can also contribute to this problem.

Faded Color of Money Tree Leaves:

The lack of necessary nutrients in the soil can cause the fading of colors or the development of small spots on the leaves. To address this issue, promptly add the required nutrients to the soil.

Placement of Money Tree According to Feng Shui:

According to Feng Shui principles, place the Money Tree near your wealth corner or where you keep your money and jewelry.


Can Having a Pachira Plant in the Home Really Bring Wealth?

It’s best to view this as more of a myth; however, in general, the presence of plants in the home contributes positively to increased positive energy.

Reason for the Curling of Pachira Leaves:

Usually, the plant tends to lean towards light, and to remedy this, rotate the plant daily so that the leaves don’t tilt in one direction.

How to Keep Pachira in Water:

To keep Pachira in water, place the plant’s roots in water and add nutrients to the water.

Know the soil and nutrients of Pachira aquatica quoted from thestem site:

Money trees need nutrient-rich soil with good drainage. Look for a peat-free potting mix or you can mix sand and gravel into compost you already have to improve drainage. To keep these hungry plants satisfied, use a liquid fertiliser once a month during the growing season (May to August).


As observed above, the Money Tree holds a special place as an evergreen indoor plant, and it is even utilized in Feng Shui. For those seeking a luxurious and exquisite indoor plant, the Pachira is an excellent choice. What are your thoughts on this?

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