How to match plants to pots?

match plants to pots

One of the most important points of decoration design is balance and proportion. Some people ask this question: “Does the color of the pot affect the growth of the plant?” to answer this question I have to say: “Plants which they grew in dark or black pot, have lower root mass than the plant which they grew in white pot.” Now if you are plant lover or you are looking for tips for indoor garden so I have to tell you plants could be one of the decorative option in your home or office. But they need a suitable pot. To choose a pot for any plants you should know some basic point.

Plants and pots need to be matched based on their visual characteristics. You may have the most beautiful plant, but if you don’t know put it in what pot it can destroy your plant and it would never give beauty to your place.

So you have to know three main basic point about pot that you want to choose it for your beautiful indoor plants.

Match plants to pots


The first thing that you should care about this is the size of your pot. If you are buying plant and the pot in same time it is good you buy a pot in a same size with your plant, because you can test your plant for first time in a pot exactly in its size, and see the result your plant can adapt in new place.

If you have a small or medium plant and you want to change its pot, you should get a pot with a diameter one or two inches thicker, and in the other hand if you have big plant and you want to change its pot, you must buy a pot with diameter two up to four inches thicker.


The second point that you should consider it about choosing your pot is material. Totally all the plants can grow in clay and ceramic pots because they have pores in them. However some the plants such as orchid needs special pot to grow well. There are also plastic and wooden pots but they are not very recommended.

While it’s true that choosing the right pot for your houseplant is important, it’s crucial to use indoor plants that produce more oxygen for you. So, before continuing with the article, we invite you to also visit the article about Best indoor plants for oxygen.


One the most important thing about plant keeping is drainage. The root of the plant shouldn’t stay in water, this can cause the death of the plant, so because of that you have to choose a pot that is drainage under it. But it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t buy a pot without drainage, you should just learn how to keep your root plant far from water. So one the way for this matter is that you can make your pot drainage. You have to put some stone at the bottom of the pot and a layer half inch of activated charcoal, then you can put the soil of the plant in the pot. By this way you have a drainage pot.

After all three point that you consider to choose your pot, you should think about the appropriate color and beauty of your flower and pot to make the best choice. For example if you have a plant with colorful leaves you shouldn’t buy a sparkle or light color pot.

The most appropriate pot is a pot which it is not too much big or it is not too much little for your plant, it is a pot which it is fit for your plant.

Another point is contrasting in the color, for example if you have plant with light blossoms you can choose a pot with dark color, because the contrast between the color of the pot and blossoms make a beauty for your plant look.

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