25 Low light houseplants

Low light houseplants

In this article I want to introduce some indoor plants which they are suitable for dark place or better to say suitable for shadows. Some of us own a house which it doesn’t have enough light to breed some plants, but we like to have plants in our home now I want to name some of these shadow lover plants.

plants which they are suitable for dark place

List of Low light houseplants

Aluminum Plant

This tabletop indoor plant can grow tall up to twelve inches and spread up to six inches. It like humid place. Aluminum is none toxic for pets.

Arrowhead Plant

This plant can grow in two types, first one is the little of them which they can grow up to twelve inches, and other one is huge of them which they can grow tall up to six feet. They like humid place to grow, so you can put the pot on bed of moist stone.

Arrowhead Plant

Artillery Plant

Artillery can grow tall up to twelve inches, they can survive in a place which it is dark. They are also safe for your pet.

It’s interesting to know that, as mentioned in IFAS :

Growing in full sun but preferring light shade, artillery plant needs well-drained yet moist soils and should only be watered when the soil dries. Plant on 18- to 24-inch centers to establish a quick cover. Plants may be pinched occasionally to encourage bushiness but this is seldom necessary. Light applications of fertilizer are recommended.

Broadleaf Lady Palm

The mature broadleaf lady palm is about six feet. Some of them which they grow indoor give you some beautiful fruit. This plant need moderate of humidity and weather. You can fertilize it in spring or summer.

Broadleaf Lady Palm

Cast-Iron Plant

Scientists call this plant “bulletproof houseplant”. They are suitable for place which they don’t receive enough light of sun.

If you want to know Where to Grow Your Cast Iron Plant as mentioned in apartmenttherapy :

The main light requirement for the cast-iron plant is no direct sun, which may burn its leaves. This means that indoors, it can be grown near north-facing windows or even deep in a room away from windows. Temperatures between 45°F and 85°F are fine, and humidity isn’t a concern, so there are many options for where to put this plant.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

These type of plants are suitable for your office, they can grow tall from one up to five feet, and they are low maintenance. Lucky Bamboo prefer to be not in front of direct sunlight and they can grow well in shadows. You have to keep it far from water in your house or your office. They have some poisons for pet.

Lucky Bamboo

You might find it interesting to know that Lucky Bamboo, as mentioned in article Rabbit safe houseplants, is one of the plants that get along well with household rabbits.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are from easiest plants, it is adaptable with any situation. You can breed these plants in a basket and in grow process they would be droopy from its basket. They can survive in week light and actually they prefer to be far from sunlight. To prevent drying out, watering it regularly.

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

This plant can survive in situation that no any plant can survive in it. For example in low light of sun and completely no watering. Golden Pothos is one of the most popular houseplant because of its attractive grapes. But to keep this houseplant you have to know that they aren’t safe for pets, they are toxic.

Golden Pothos

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

You can grow this plant indoor easily without lots of sunlight. Sansevieria have attractive and strong leaves which they look like sword that they can grow up to eight feet. It can live for decades, and prefer to grow in shadows. You have to be careful don’t watering it too much especially if it is in shadows. This plant is toxic for pets.

Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

These types of plants grow on another plant instead of in soil. Also as a houseplant they can grow on a piece of wood and become a natural art. They prefer to grow in shadows and their leaves can burn in front of the sunlight.

Staghorn Fern

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

This plant is a beautiful plant which it can grow on floor. You have to keep it far away from the sunlight. Keep it humid and if you can change its place in a cold room. And be careful this plant is toxic for pets and even children.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

This plant is popular as indestructible plant. They are attractive plant with huge green glossy leaves. They can tolerate shortage of watering and sunlight. But in ideal situation you have to watering this plant when its soil is dry.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily is one the most popular of the indoor and low light houseplant. They can survive in shortage of attention. They have one or two white flowers. They need enough watering unless they would die, but they don’t need direct sunlight. They are toxic for children and pets.

Peace Lily

Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum)

Maidenhair Fern has leaves which they are look like balloon. This plant is one of the indoor plant which they don’t need direct sunlight, but you have to keep its soil always humid. Also they love warm and humid place far from sunlight.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ plant is low maintenance houseplant, which it can survive without natural light. ZZ can tolerate in dry soil and its soil have to be dry between two watering. These are also toxic for your pets and children.

Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)

This easy, strong and beautiful plant is popular houseplant. Its leaves are look like heart and they are connected to a strong stems. You have to put it near a window which it doesn’t receive the direct sunlight. These are toxic for children and pets too.

Before we introduce another suitable indoor plant for your rabbits, we invite you to visit the article Choosing the Right Pot for Plants.

Anthurium (Anthurnium spp.)

This type of plant has some beautiful flower with green leaves and it called somewhere flamingo. Anthurium can grow in humid but not wet soil. The best place for keeping this plant is somewhere with indirect sunlight. Keep this plant far from your children and pets.


Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)

This plant have some leaves which they are look like oval, glossy and green. This evergreen plant are the best plant in shadows, actually they can grow well in shadows. To see the best color of the leaves of this plant you have to keep it in low indirect light.

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)

This plant with its huge green leaves and leathery grows with hole on them. The Swiss cheese plant can grow in place that is not in front of the direct sunlight. It can grow tall up to three feet and spread around from two up to three feet.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)

If you prepare warm and humid place for this tropical plant with attractive green oval leaves, it can grow from six up to twelve tall and wide. The direct sunlight can burn its leaves, so keep it far from direct sunlight.

Silver Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)

The silver pothos is totally like golden pothos with little different, it has some silver dots on its leaves. These plants are suitable for place which they aren’t receive direct sunlight. You have to mist your pothos regularly, these plants like humidity. But you have to pay attention they are toxic for pets.

Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

The Dragon tree with its sword leaves can survive in shadows and low light place. They are low maintenance plant, but the height of the tree can’t grow more than six foot indoor. It’s toxic for pets.

Dracaena marginata

Wax Begonia (Begonia semperflorens)

This little plant with glossy green or brown leaves can give you beautiful blossoms. They prefer to be in shadows. They are dangerous for pets, so keep it far from them.

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

Corn plants are popular indoor plant which they can grow tall up to six feet. This plant shouldn’t be in front of direct sunlight because direct sunlight can burn its leaves, the best option is indirect light, but they can survive in shadows. They are toxic for pets.

Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)

This beautiful plant with its pink leaves and green dots on it are one the most popular indoor plant. They prefer to be in shadows instead of sunlight. It can grow tall from one up to two feet and it is low maintenance plant.

Polka Dot Plant


Can indoor plants survive without light?

As stated on the extension.umn.edu :

All plants require light for photosynthesis, the process within a plant that converts light, oxygen and water into carbohydrates (energy).

Plants require this energy in order to grow, bloom and produce seed. Without adequate light, carbohydrates cannot be manufactured, the energy reserves are depleted and plants die.

How long can plants live in dark?

As stated on the website bonasila :

A plant can use its reserved energy for a day or two if there is complete darkness. After some time it will need light for the process of photosynthesis. Some plants can grow well even in low lighting conditions. However, for most plants a certain amount of light is necessary. For outdoor plants, the requirement for light might be higher.

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