Best indoor garden tips that you should know!

Best indoor garden tips

There are some people who they love to gardening in their place such as their home or their office. So these people may have some question such as: “What do I need for my indoor garden?” to answer this question I have to say: “you have to pay attention to some point:

  1. A sunny, south-facing window or a grow light.
  2. Shallow container with drainage holes. A plastic container such as a prepackaged-salad box (with holes added to the bottom) or a nursery flat are good options.
  3. Organic potting soil.
  4. Mister or watering can.

Other than these cases you have to know some other point, such as:

Choose the right containers

The container that you want to choose is better to be big enough until your root plant can grow well. Beets, carrots, turnips, and potatoes are root crop, which they need a container with twelve inches depth. But another green such as lettuce, spinach, kale and Peas, beans, cucumbers, peppers, and other small bush, need five up to seven inches depth container.

To learn more about this topic, read How to match plants to pots.

Pick the right soil

You have to know that the outdoor soil could be dirty and unhealthy for your plant, so don’t fill your container with that type of soil.

Cut the old leaves

The last of the winter is time to prune the houseplant. Pruning the old leaves can help to grow new leaves.

Pick your plants based on available space

Some plant or fruit are not suitable to breed indoor, because they need huge space and your house may not be big enough for them, such as tomatoes, strawberries and figs.

Get the light right

Most of the plants need direct sunlight for six hours in a day. So if you have south-facing window, it is the best choice. But if you don’t have this sunny window, you’ll need another resource of the light; which you can buy it from stores or online shops.

Try a trellis

Some plant such as beans and cucumber need big space to grow up, but you can keep them in your house with big space if you train them on a sturdy trellis. And you may breed some heavy fruit such as squash, in this situation you have to stick the stem of the plant to the trellis until they grow.

Water consistently

All the plants and fruits grow well, until their soil be moist but not totally soggy. Because when the roots of plants get wet and get dry constantly, it can cause to stop growing. To test soil moisture, you can press your finger on the soil. If it is springy and slightly moist, there is no need to water it. But if it’s dry it’s time to watering the plant. And also there is some self-watering pots which you can use it. They work like you fill them full of water every seven or ten days, and they water your plant based on humidity of the soil.

Stable indoor temperature

The suitable temperature for summer fruits, such as cucumbers, pumpkins, etc., which are planted outside, is 70 degrees F. if you have sunny window, it can give enough light and warmth to the plant, but you don’t have this window you should make a place which it is warm, with a little heater. But winter fruits prefer to be in temperature between 65 and 70, if it gets to 80 they may wither.

Protect against pests

Even if you use sterile pots, some pests can move from another place to your little indoor garden and hurts your plants and feed from them and then kill them. It is good to mention that, you shouldn’t use chemical pesticides, but if you saw any pests you can use organic pesticides such as neem oil and you can spry it to your plant till to protect it from pests.


You have to fertilize your plants because they need feeding and you have to follow the recipe from the fertilizer, because it’s important to know the time of the fertilizing.

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