10 Indoor plants to help you sleep

houseplants good for sleep

If you are plant lover and also you care about your sleep, maybe you have this question, “What indoor plant helps you sleep?” to answer this question I have to say: “Lavender is old plant from many years ago until now, which it is known as benefit for relaxation and sleep.” But there are so many plant which they can help you to sleep better too. Let’s know them.

List Of indoor plants that help you sleep

Aloe Vera

This useful plant release oxygen at night, which it purify the air and help us to have calm sleep and breath well when we are sleep at night. Aloe Vera is one of the plant that requires direct sunlight for growth  and you should water it every two weeks but in winter less than other seasons.

Areca palm

This beautiful tropical plant can give tropical mood to your room.

Areca palm

This plant is good for people who suffer from sinus problems. Areca should get sunlight indirectly and if you want to have this plant successfully you should to keep its soil moist but not soggy and watering it once in a week.


Bromeliad is plant which it purifies the air of the room and reduce some pollutions.

Chines evergreen

It attracts carbon dioxide during the days and produce oxygen at night until to keep the air clean. This plant needs a pot about six inches, and you have to watering this every two days.


Chamomile is another plants that are good for sleep and can help you fall asleep quickly, deeply, and without interruptions. You can put it near your bed and smell it at night. And even you can make a chamomile tea and drink it. Chamomile can grow between 60 degree F and 68 degree F temperature. You should know that if you over watering this plant it can cause to kill it. So keep moderation in watering this and do it just when its soil was dry.

Before introducing another houseplant for better and more restful sleep, we encourage you to check out most beautiful indoor plants as well.

Chines evergreen

This beautiful plant is good purifier of the air and reduce toxins from the air. Actually if you are looking forindoor plants to help sleep in good way chines evergreen plant is good choice. This plant prefer humidity. Watering this plant only when its soil feels dry when you touch it.

Golden Pothos

Golden pothos is another air purifier plant which it is good choice for your room, because it reduce carbon monoxide and toxins in the air and helps you to breathe easier.

Chines evergreen

It is good to put it in somewhere to get indirect sunlight and watering it when the soil feels dry in touch.


Jasmin is a beautiful flower, which it has very good smell. This smell of it can help to reduce your stress and make your sleep calm. This plant need watering once in a week but if you feel the soil dries before this, water the Jasmine earlier.

Now that you have been with us so far, it is clear that you are very interested in indoor plants, and we invite you to also visit uncommon houseplants.

Peace Lily

As it’s clear from its name, peace lily is one of the flower which it is helpful to your sleep and make your room a calm place because it is one of the plants that produce oxygen. But if you have pet or children in your house you should make sure that they can not to access this flower, because it is toxic for them. If you drained its soil well and choose good pot for it, this plant only need watering once in 7 or 10 days.

Snake plant

Snake plant can help to your sleep by this way: they cause to increase oxygen in your room and make your sleep calmly. If you put in somewhere to get more sunlight is better. About watering this I have to say that let its soil get totally dry and then watering this.


This plant with good smell can help to your sleep and make you sleep faster and easier than other time.


This plant needs large moist pot to grow well, you have to watering valerian regularly and place it near sunny window.


1.Is it good to sleep in a room with plants?
As mentioned in leafenvy :

Beyond just being safe, there are several benefits associated with having plants in your bedroom.

Improved Air Quality: Many indoor plants can help purify the air by removing toxins. NASA’s Clean Air Study found that certain houseplants could remove up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours.

Better Sleep: Some research suggests that being around greenery can lead to better sleep quality due to its calming effect on our minds. Additionally, certain aromatic plants such as lavender can aid in promoting a good night’s sleep due to their relaxing scent.

Enhanced Mood and Reduced Stress Levels: Being around nature has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress levels. Having a touch of greenery within your sleeping space can provide these benefits too!

2.Is there a plant that makes you sleepy?

As mentioned in proflowers :

 A study shows that chamomile induces sleep and makes you more likely have uninterrupted sleep. Keep it close to your bed, perhaps with a fresh lavender plant, to take in the fresh and relaxing aroma all night. You can also make fresh chamomile tea and oils using the blooms of your plant.

3.Can plants grow in 100% oxygen?As mentioned in biology.stackexchange :

Keep in mind, there is a chance that a growing plant in a sealed environment with pure oxygen WOULD SURVIVE because of the carbon dioxide discharge of aerobic bacteria in the soil.

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