Best houseplant for direct sunlight

Best houseplant for direct sunlight

There are many plant which you can breed them indoor in front of the direct sunlight. Actually they have to receive sunlight directly opposite of the some other plant. For example if you are breeding Aloe Vera as an indoor plants for health you have to know that it can tolerate full sun. Now let’s meet another direct sunlight lover plant.

List Of houseplant for direct sunlight


This warm-weather plant can grow well if you put it out in days of summer and bring it back inside when the temperature get less than 50 degree F.

Jade plant

This plant is good choice for who have sunny windowsills or bright conservatories in their house. It need full light of the sun and about watering this plant I have mention you should let its soil get dry before watering this.

Sago palm

This easy plant hardly have leafing, but it is toxic for pets and children. It needs filtered sunlight and should be in consist moisture.

African milk tree

This succulent have unusual appearance. Although it isn’t cactus, but some sharp spins grow on this plant which they can cause to change the pot of the plant. These plants are thirsty plant, when the top inch of its stem gets dry it’s time to watering it. And about light of sun I have to mention it need bright indirect light.

Snake plant

This hard plant is popular because of impossibility to kill it. Actually it need full sun low-light to grow well. And about watering I have to say you should let the soil dry between watering.

It is interesting to know that Snake plant is one of the safe plants for children category, which you can use if you have a small child at home.


This plant always need humidity to grow well, papyrus need full light of the sun. About watering this plant I have to say it need constant resource for watering all the time.


This plant used to be in high temperature, if it gets lower than 50 degree F, it can die. To keep this plant moist you should water it regularly and put it in front of direct sunlight.

Pony tail palm

Pony tail palm is a slow growth plant which it like to get full sunlight. And you have to watering it when its soil is dry.

Areca palm

This palm can grow six up to eight feet indoor and spread some feet. It need to be in front of the sunlight and you have keep its soil moisture to grow well.


Basil is a warm-weather plant which it needs full direct sunlight and deep regular watering is one of another need of this plant.

Golden Barrel Cactus

It is normal that all of the type of cactus can grow well in warm weather and they need full direct sunlight, so this golden barrel is not except from this rule. To watering this plant you have to do it once in a month.

Moon Cactus

This type of cactus needs direct sunlight just a few hours in a day not all the day. And about watering this plant I have to mention, you should allow this plant to get dry completely, then watering this deeply till make sure its soil is moisture.


This beautiful plant with fleshy leaves needs full direct sunlight and filtered sunlight is not enough for them. And about watering, they need watering in summer and spring once in a week and in fall and winter once in a month.

Hens and chicks

These type of plants are like Echeveria, they have fleshy leaves, but they are also stronger. They need full sunlight and just watering this when its soil is dry.

Meyer lemon

This hybrid plant is combination of lemon tree and tangerine tree. This plant needs full sunlight eight hours in a day. And when you touch the top of the stem of this plant and it was dry it’s time to watering this plant.

Yucca plant

This plant included some variety in different height between one and thirty. Actually these plant are very slowly to grow, because of this they can be appropriate indoor plant in growth period. They need full sunlight and when its soil get dry at most level of itself, it’s time to watering this plant.

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