fall flowers to plant

fall flowers to plant

The suitable flowers for planting in autumn come in various types. Autumn flowers and plants are capable of continuing their life in harsh and cold conditions, blooming even in the winter seasons. Below, a number of suitable autumn flowers are mentioned, allowing you to familiarize yourself with them and thoroughly enjoy seeing them during the cold seasons. These flowers also generally do not require special care and can be easily maintained. For this reason, some of them are abundantly seen in the streets and gardens during the autumn season.

Scientific NameCommon NameGrowth SeasonNative RegionHeightPlant TypeLeaf ColorFlower Color
Salvia officinalisMaryam GoliWinterMediterranean and Southeastern Europe50 to 80 cmPerennial herbaceousBright greenPurple, blue, pink, sometimes white
PetuniaAtlas FlowerAutumn/WinterVariousVariableAnnualVariableVarious shades of blue
Canna LilyCanna LilyAutumn/WinterSouth and North AmericaUp to 40-50 cmPerennialGreenOrange (Zinnia-like)
Floss flowerFloss flowerWinterSouthwestern America and MexicoVariableAnnualDark greenBlue, purple, pink, violet, white
PhloxFlame FlowerAutumn/WinterGardens, rock gardens, wall edgesVariablePerennialGreenVarious shades
ChrysanthemumChrysanthemumAutumnVariousVariablePerennialGreenVarious colors
SaffronAutumn CrocusAutumnVariousVariablePerennialGreenVariable
CosmosCosmosAutumnVariousVariableAnnualGreenVarious colors
MarigoldMarigoldAutumnVariousVariableAnnualGreenVarious colors
DahliaDahliaAutumnVariousVariablePerennialPurple, yellow, orangeVariable
LavenderLavenderAutumnMediterraneanVariablePerennialGrayish greenPurple, blue, pink
CarnationCarnationAutumnVariousVariableAnnual or perennialGreenVarious colors
White GladiolusWhite GladiolusAutumnVariousVariablePerennialGreenWhite
Mina FlowerMina FlowerAutumnVariousVariableAnnualGreenVariable
Ornamental KaleOrnamental KaleAutumnVariousVariableAnnualGreen, pink, purpleVariable
Cyclamen FlowerCyclamen FlowerAutumn/WinterVariousVariablePerennialGreenVarious colors
Begonia FlowerBegonia FlowerAutumn/WinterVariousVariableAnnual or perennialGreenVarious colors
Snowdrop FlowerSnowdrop FlowerAutumn/WinterVariousVariablePerennialGreenWhite



This flower is one of the suitable flowers for planting in autumn because Chrysanthemums are durable and highly resistant, capable of surviving in all seasons including autumn with ease. Moreover, these flowers can bloom in any type of weather conditions, even if there is frost or snowstorm around them.


This beautiful flower is also known as autumn crocus; Shahrivar (August-September) is a suitable time for planting this lovely flower. Saffron flowers do not require much care after planting, but the planting environment is crucial. This beautiful flower does not adapt well to very moist areas.



These spherical flowers have a very beautiful appearance and color. One of the best autumn flowers for the garden is the Cosmos flower. Cosmos is among the fast-growing plants, and its rapid growth rate ensures that its beautiful flowers are always in front of your eyes.



Marigold is another suitable flower for planting in autumn, with many varieties. These flowers are very fond of warm areas. One of the main reasons for choosing Marigold is its ability to bloom in all seasons.



Dahlia flower has many fans and enthusiasts due to its beautiful appearance and easy maintenance conditions. In fact, Dahlia is recommended for those who do not have the ability to care for plants because it remains alive and blooms in all soils and in all seasons.

Dahlia comes in purple, yellow, and orange colors; if you intend to buy autumn flowers, you can choose one of them according to your taste.

Lavender is another suitable flower for planting in autumn that is resistant to cold. This flower has simple and alternate leaves. The maintenance conditions of Lavender require a little attention; stay with us to become familiar with these conditions:

– Lavender remains durable if the temperature and light are according to the plant’s preference.

– Lavender needs a moderate amount of water daily, so always keep its soil moist.

– If you don’t have access to direct sunlight, Lavender can continue its life with sunlight exposure.

– If exposed to artificial light for 10 to 12 hours during the day, Lavender’s light requirements are met.

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Carnation is among the autumn flowers that can be an option during this season. Read on for the conditions and care instructions for this plant:

– The lifespan of the plant is only a few weeks.

– This plant grows in the cool autumn air.

– The soil of Carnation should be kept moist.

– This plant requires sunlight.

– Use high-quality soil in the Carnation pot.

– This beautiful plant is also seen in various colors such as red, white, purple, etc.

White Gladiolus:

White Gladiolus

Another suitable flower for planting in autumn is the White Gladiolus. This plant grows during the autumn season, and for beautifying the garden, you can purchase Gladiolus seeds and then plant them. The blossoms of this plant are beautiful and white in color, and indeed, the main reason for naming this plant is due to the color of its flowers.

Mina Flower:

Mina Flower

Mina flower is another suitable flower for planting in autumn that brings a cheerful and tranquil appearance to the garden. One of the key points in maintaining the Mina plant is its soil. The soil of this plant should be light and high-quality to allow the plant to grow easily and thrive.

Ornamental Kale:

Ornamental Kale

The seventh(tenth) plant we’re introducing is Ornamental Kale. This type of plant is resistant to winter, snow, autumn, and rain, and it easily thrives during these seasons, adorning indoor spaces. Below are three influential factors in maintaining this plant:

  1. This plant requires abundant water for growth.
  2. Adequate light for Ornamental Kale’s growth is direct and plentiful.
  3. If the plant receives insufficient light, its leaves may become pale, losing their beauty.

This plant has leaves in green, pink, and purple colors, enhancing the beauty of Ornamental Kale.



This resilient plant is another suitable option for planting in autumn because of its high cold resistance, easily thriving and blooming in colder temperatures. Pereskia features orange flowers resembling zinnias, creating an attractive appearance.

This plant is often used as a hedge or barrier in many locations due to its sturdy branches and leaves. If we take a moment to observe the world outside while walking on the streets and keep our phones aside, we may notice Pereskia plants along the roadside.

Cyclamen Flower:

Cyclamen Flower

This beautiful flower is compatible with harsh and cold conditions, as its living environment is typically such. Additionally, Cyclamen flowers easily thrive in dry areas and offer fragrant and aesthetically pleasing blooms to their surroundings.

One of the wonders of this plant is the grayish color of its leaves, which further enhances the plant’s beauty.

Begonia Flower:

Begonia Flower

One of the suitable flowers for planting in autumn and winter is the Begonia flower. This plant has very beautiful and vibrant colors. It’s worth mentioning that Begonia requires sufficient and abundant light for growth and blooming, and it should be placed in a location with sufficient light exposure. Additionally, this plant features diverse flowers that endure well in the cool autumn air.

Snowdrop Flower:

Snowdrop Flower

This beautiful flower is considered one of the classic flowers; moreover, the bulbs of this plant are highly valued. Snowdrop is also resistant and blooms in the cold seasons of autumn and winter; therefore, you can thoroughly enjoy seeing it.

We have named 12 suitable flowers for planting in autumn so that plant enthusiasts can find their desired plant for autumn and proceed to plant it.

Petunia, also known as Atlas Flower, is another flower of the autumn and winter seasons, boasting abundant, diverse blooms, mostly in shades of blue. Petunia features wide and trumpet-shaped flowers, bushy stems, and somewhat sticky leaves. This flower is resistant to cold and can withstand the winter chill.

Canna Lily is one of the flowers of autumn and winter, which is a perennial plant native to South and North America. Canna Lily is a single-stemmed species that predominantly grows in outdoor spaces, but some individuals also keep this plant indoors due to its beauty. The Canna Lily features large, wide leaves with prominent veins. These leaves clasp the stem, and their length can reach up to 40 to 50 centimeters in some cases.

Floss flower, a beautiful winter flower, belongs to the category of flowers of autumn and winter. This gorgeous plant is native to the southwestern regions of America and Mexico and is known as an annual plant. Its persistent, serrated, heart-shaped or oval leaves with sparse fuzz and dark green color are among the plant’s visual features. Additionally, it bears flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, violet, and white, which sometimes referred to as “Liss flower.”

Phlox, also known as Flame Flower, is a special flower for autumn and winter, characterized by slow growth and extensive spreading on the ground. It typically grows in gardens, rock gardens, or along the edges of walls. This beautiful flower produces fragrant and clustered blooms with five petals in late spring and early summer, with each petal measuring about 3 centimeters. After the flowering season, this plant remains green, and its foliage persists until the cold and frosty winter.

Phlox, also known as Flame Flower, is a special flower for autumn and winter, characterized by slow growth and extensive spreading on the ground. It typically grows in gardens, rock gardens, or along the edges of walls. This beautiful flower produces fragrant and clustered blooms with five petals in late spring and early summer, with each petal measuring about 3 centimeters. After the flowering season, this plant remains green, and its foliage persists until the cold and frosty winter.

Salvia, scientifically known as Salvia officinalis, is commonly referred to as Maryam Goli (Virgin Mary) and is a winter-specific flower. It is native to the Mediterranean regions and southeastern Europe, exhibiting high resistance to heat. Salvia is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the category of autumn and winter flowers, typically reaching a height between 50 to 80 centimeters and bearing bright green leaves. Its flowers, found at the top of the stem, are spaced apart and tend to be purple, leaning towards blue, pink, or sometimes white.

I love cut hydrangeas, but how do I keep them from wilting? Read a quote from salisburygreenhouse:

Ah yes, this is an ongoing struggle for us fresh-cut hydrangea lovers. When buying hydrangeas from your local flower shop, there are a few steps to consider before sticking them in a vase and admiring them whilst you daydream. First, you should prepare the water in your chosen vase so they can be submerged immediately after you trim them. The water should be room temperature/lukewarm, and you should have received a fresh flower food packet with your cut hydrangeas/flowers.


As a plant and flower enthusiast, here’s the translation:

What greens and plants should we buy and plant in the cold season?

Colorful Pansies – Snowdrop Flowers for the cold – Beetroot – Carrots – Homegrown Cabbage – Turnips – Kohlrabi, the home pharmacy – Brussels Sprouts; Winter Greens – Cranberries – Spinach; Evergreen Greens

What flowers can we plant in the autumn?

Chrysanthemums – Marigolds – Dahlias – Violets – Carnations – Minas – Ornamental Kale – Pereskia – Cyclamen – White Gladiolus

What autumn plants should we plant for the garden and outdoor space?

1) American Sedge Roots 2) Ornamental Cabbage or Kale 3) Japanese Anemone 4) Chinese Mustard 5) Ornamental Pearlwort 6) Leucospermum 7) Burgundy Pampas Grass

For more details on autumn plants and their planting and maintenance, please refer to the article.

How should we plant autumn flowers and plants?

Step 1: Prepare the bed for autumn plants in the garden.

Step 2: Move or acquire the plants.

Step 3: Select and introduce autumn plants for outdoor spaces and gardens.

Step 4: Plant the plants in autumn.

Step 5: Choose the planting location for autumn plants.



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