24 Houseplants for who have dog as a pet

Dog safe houseplants

One of the most popular question of person who own a dog is, “what plant is dog friendly?” So today I want to guide who have dog and they like to breeding plants, but they care about their dog’s health. Several plants are pet-friendly, including the Sunflower, Roses, and Camellias.  So all the plants which I want to name them are suitable for garden of your house and your dog.

One another similar question of the dog’s owner is, “What plants and flowers are good for dogs?” to answer this question I have to say Rose, , sunflower, pansies, snapdragons, and some marigolds can all be eaten raw, by dogs and people. But you have to be aware and sure that plant which I name them are not treated with any insecticides, because by this way can hurt you and your dog.

List of dog safe houseplants


Sunflower is the symbol of summer and this one year flower exist in different sizes and colors. Sunflower can grow tall up to couple of feet. They need plenty of water and full sunlight.

Please note the following text regarding the growth of sunflowers, which is taken from the Gardeners World website :

Annual sunflowers bloom from summer into autumn. Depending on the variety, they can take 11-18 weeks to flower from seed sowing. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to sow sunflower seed every couple of weeks, so you’ll have a constant supply of cheerful sunflowers throughout summer.


You can watering this every one or three weeks based on weather.

If, in addition to dogs, you also have cats as pets, we invite you to read article cat safe house plants.


This easy plant can grow in full sunlight from seed and it has tall stems in color range from yellow to red.


The most romantic beautiful flower is rose, so this flower is harmless for dogs. But you have to consider that their spines can be painful if they try to eat it or put their feet on it.



Pansies not only they are not harmful to dogs, also they are delicious to them.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following factors regarding the soil type and watering requirements of Pansies, as mentioned in the excerpt from the BHG website.

Pansies prefer moist, well-drained soil that’s slightly acidic (5.6 to 6.0 is the optimal pH for in-ground pansies), though they can also grow in neutral conditions. To create a nutrient-rich environment, amend the soil with organic matter—manure, compost, or peat moss—or add a 5-10-5 fertilizer to the soil before planting. Consider testing your soil each year to make sure the pH and nutrient levels are in the right range for growth.

Coral Bells

This plant can grow in range of shadows from green to orange to black.

Coral Bells


Nasturtium are eatable flower which their taste is spicy. They grow in poor soil and they don’t need fertilizers so they are easy plant to maintain.

The following are the points to consider for caring for Nasturtium flowers, derived from the University of Wisconsin-Madison website:

Nasturtiums are a welcome addition to any sunny garden, particularly those with an informal design. Monet planted them in the border of the pathway that led to the front door of his home in Giverny, France. The compact varieties remain about 12″ tall, making them well suited for edging. The rambling habit of trailing types make them useful in hanging baskets and window boxes or cascading down walls. They can also be grown as a groundcover and will climb up shrubs, trees, or a trellis to get more sun. Both types of nasturtiums can be included in mixed containers but may have to be trimmed back periodically to prevent them from crowding out the other plants. They can also be used to fill in blooming gaps among complementary colored day lilies and roses.


These beautiful flowers can be found in mountainous areas. The root of these plants like to stay in damp, but you have to consider this they hate their root seat in water. If you watering the leaf of this plant it can be the cause of the decay.

Day Lilies

These flowers are low maintenance and they can grow so fast, one of their properties of them is flexibility. Actually they like to be in front of the direct light of the sun and can grow well in drained soil.


This type of plants are a little hard to make it grow up, but when it start to grow, every year with a little attention and watering you can bring it back.

The youth Camellias need watering but old one can feed from natural water.


Dill is a plant which it is eatable to dogs and even cats. These plants need huge area to grow, because they are big more than what you think.

Garden Marigolds

These beautiful flowers attract the bees to your garden and it cause protect your vegetables that you have in growth.


This pink and purple flowers are the best at mild climate, they can bloom from last of the spring up to first of the fall


Petunias flower have sweet smell and it’s also beautiful. If your dog bit it, it cannot hurt your dog.

Magnolia Bushes

Most of the people when they read about Magnolia tree, they imagine huge tree. But Magnolia can grow as a bush. The flower of Magnolia are in pink, purple and white colors.

Purple Basil

Plant purple basil after you think frost cannot be happened anymore. They need too much watering and direct light of sun. It is good to say that this plant is eatable so your dog and you can enjoy and eat this plant until next frost.

Summer Hyacinth

These purple and white summer flower need regularly watering and partial sunlight. They can flower with suitable protect and attention.


One of the safe plant to the dogs is Thyme, actually it is easy to maintenance, and it just need a low watering and sunlight.

African Daisy

This flower can tolerate dry so hard which it exist in different color. Actually this flower can grow anywhere you want in summer and add one color to themselves.

Creeping Rosemary

All the type of rosemary are eatable, but this type can grow in empty space in your garden on the floor with beauty and weird look. This miracle flower can spread a special smell when your dog is going far from your garden!


Beautiful jasmine is existing in two type winter and summer. All of this plants need well drained soil and full or half sunlight. The winter type of jasmine can survive in half light of the sun but summer type needs full sunlight.

Boston Fern

Boston fern is easy plant to maintenance, because it needs to feed every two months. This plant is very flexible among cats and event dogs, because cats can play with them and dogs can take a bite from them.

Important point about this plant is, you have to keep them in cool place, indirect sunlight and high level of humidity. About watering them you have to fill it water till make its green leaves misting.

Polka Dot Plant

This beautiful plant can grow to three feet in Madagascar. But in a close place it can grow tall to ten inches. Polka Dot plants like bright indirect light of the sun and moderate moisture of soil.


This plant with its beautiful leaves is eatable and even cook able and make your food tasty like licorice.

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