Child-Friendly Indoor Plants: A Guide to Safe and Enchanting Greenery

Child Safe houseplants

All the people who they have children and pets should care about all the things that they are keeping in their house, one of the important alive things that I want to talk about it are plants. Some plants are safe for children and children are not threatened by them. But before know them you have to meet some toxic plant for children till avoid them.

  • Pothos
  • Philodendron
  • English Ivy
  • Hyacinth
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Arrowhead Vine
  • Lilies
  • Caladium
  • Snake Plant

But the most famous question among plant lover who they are parent too is “What houseplant is the safest indoor where children are around?” Now it’s time to meet safe plants for children.

list of child-safe indoor plants

Philodendron Heartleaf

This plant is low maintenance and also none-toxic for children, Philodendron is so adaptable plant which it can survive with any behavior of children.

Philodendron Heartleaf


Little Zebra Plant

This popular plant need dry and humid soil and it grows slowly and it can grow tall in range five up to ten. You have to remember don’t watering it in winter.

Bromeliad Pineapple

This plant give you the chance that you breed fruit, actually those fruit aren’t eatable but they make a joy for children to watch this process and do something in it.

Bromeliad Pineapple

Bromeliad Collection

The flower of this plant can live long and when this plant grow old you can see their child under their stem.

Bird of Paradise

You can charge your child to watering Bird of paradise. This plant can grow tall up to eight feet. Watching this plant grows is one of the enjoyable way and entertain able thing for children when they see the result of their work.

Christmas Cactus (or Easter or Thanksgiving Cactus)

This beautiful cactus is for Christmas time and they have some weird blossom, the secret of this blossom is you have to reduce watering, six or eight week before you want to see their blossom.

Christmas Cactus

Before introducing another indoor plants kid safe, let’s also take a moment to revisit indoor plants that help you sleep.

Boston Fern (also called Sword Fern)

This kind of plant like cold place with lot of humidity. One of the sight that they need more humidity is the color of their leaves, if they become yellow they need more humidity.

If you want to learn how to Plant Sword Fern, please pay attention to the following paragraph taken from Serenata Flowers:

The majority of ferns, especially those able to be grown indoors, necessitate the same standard care. These plants are a popular choice for terrariums because they thrive when moisture is in the air. If you’re not noticing a great deal of growth, or your fern fronds are browning at the tips, it is likely they’re not getting enough humidity.

If this is the case, mist them with a water bottle to ensure they stay moist. Alternatively, invest in a humidifier. If all else fails, consider moving your plants away from rooms with dry air and into a place that boasts higher humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

Sword ferns can also be used to provide groundcover when planted outdoors, and once they are established, they are drought resistant. However, should you move them from indoors to out, they’ll require regular watering for the first year.

African Violet

To keep this beautiful plant you have to find a pot which it is 1/3 the size of the plant. You have to fertilizing this regularly to satisfy this plant. Don’t forget this point ever, you should make wet its leaves.

African Violet


This easy plant prefer to be far away from the window because they don’t like the direct sunlight and it can cause burning it leaves. When one or two inches up from your plat is dry it is the time to watering your plant.

Baby’s Tears

This plant prefer to grow in a wild and shallow pot until spread on it, avoid to keeping this in front of the direct sunlight.

Prayer Plant

One of the other easy maintenance plant is Prayer plant. This plant don’t like direct sunlight and it can survive in unregularly watering it. They like humidity so keep them humid.

Prayer Plant

Before introducing another child-friendly indoor plant, visit a dog safe houseplant.

Parlor Palm

One another humidity lover is Parlor Palm, keep them far from sunny window and mist them regularly.

Spider Plants

All about this plant is very popular is that they are too much strong.

Spider Plants

Sensitive Plant

This attractive plant can tolerate sunlight but they like to have humid soil. These plants are so lovely among children, because they react so fast to touching them.

Haworthia Pearl Plant

This easy plant that can tolerate a little sunlight but not dry its soil.

Phalaenopsis Orchids

This plant may seems strong but they prefer to have a regular plan. To satisfy them watering them regularly and keep them far away from direct sunlight.


This plant has white and green leaves which it make this plant weird in list of houseplant, it is popular as Nerve plant. Fittonia prefer humid soil, this plant may need twice in a week watering in fall and winter.


Hoya carnosa

This none-toxic plant with beautiful vining throwback to the 70s.

Hens and chicks

This plant like warm and dry situation, so keep them if you can prepare this situation.

Burro’s Tail

This plant is one another succulent which it like to be droopy from its pot.


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