15 birds safe houseplants

birds safe houseplants

People who they own birds in their home and they like to breed plants indoor, should know which plants are suitable for their birds. So if you are one of these person and you don’t know enough about safe plants for your bird, don’t miss this article.

List of indoor plants safe for birds

Baby tears

This plant can grow in a little pot and it’s totally appropriate to put it in the cage of your parrot, your parrot can even sit in the plant and pecking it. Baby teas are popular because of the peace that they bring in place.

Baby Tears is a houseplant that is also suitable for those who have cats as pets. For more information, you can read cat safe houseplants.

Callistemon (Bottle Brush)

This plant need regular watering and after complete growth it can turn into the cage of your parrot. There is a possibility that after adding this plant to the cage of your parrot can’t survive long time, but the contrast between red and green color on its leaves make a beauty for your parrot’s enjoyment.


It’s better to breed this plant in big place. Attraction of this plant is its beauty of their flowers, if you have this plant you should know they are so useful for humans and birds such as parrots.

Jade plant

If you are looking for a plant which it is eatable for birds jade plant is good choice also it is low maintenance. This succulent plant are safe for birds and they can survive without any regular watering and too much sunlight.


These colorful plants can grow all the year and they are safe for your birds. Your parrot may distract to its colorful leaves. Till your parrot doesn’t eat this plant more than normal there wouldn’t any problem.

Purple passion

This unique color flower is totally safe for your birds and commonly people have this plant in their house, if you are keeping this plant in the cage of your parrot, it’s better to prune your plant because they grow well in short time, also your parrot can take this responsibility and do it with pecking.

Spider Plant

This plant with weird look can grow easily and it is safe for your bird. It can be droopy from a basket in your house and make your place beautiful.

Before introducing another bird safe house plants, we invite you to also visit rare indoor plants.


Jades are succulent and birds safe, if you put this plant in a room, it makes the room unique. They are low maintenance plants, because of this they are popular choice to keep indoor.

Boston Fern

If you have parrot as your pet, boston fern is one the best choice that you can make it. This green and hardy plant can make your place very beautiful, and be sure that they are safe for birds.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is low maintenance plant which it is not toxic also it has some medicinal qualities and can help sick people or sick birds to heal them.


This beautiful low maintenance plant is one of the plants which it is safe for your bird. Bamboo gives a huge gorgeous to your place.

African Violet

Keep this little purple plant in wherever of your house, they are harmless for parrots and any other birds. African violets give flowers couple of times in a year, so take this beautiful plant to your house.

Hen and Chicks

Hen and chicks, as it’s clear from their name they are safe for birds. They can grow well in bright light, f you have bought this plant, place it in front of a sunny window, as Hen and Chicks is one of the indoor plants that like direct sunlight.


This beautiful plant with its gorgeous blooms is popular plant for indoor. Orchid is good choice for people who own birds and have enough experience to keep plant, because they grow hard and slow.


This flower normally can’t grow in the house, but you can keep fresh cut of this beautiful colorful flower. And another important point is if these cut flowers are not sprayed with chemical spray, they are safe for birds.

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