Best houseplants for baby nursery

If you are working in a baby nursery or a place which it is full of baby you may have this question that, what are the best indoor plant for this type of place? To achieve the answer of this question follow this article; at first I want to name some of these plants:

Plant NameLight PreferenceWatering FrequencyAdditional Notes
Baby’s tearIndirect sunlightKeep soil moistSuitable for kindergarten, safe for birds
DracaenaBrightnessKeep soil moistAir purifying, exciting for babies
Cast iron plantLow lightKeep soil moistHardy, avoid direct sunlight
Parlor palmLow lightModerate wateringSoft and harmless to children
Calathea medallionIndirect sunlightRegular wateringPart of prayer plant, opens and closes leaves
Kentia palmModerate sunlightModerate wateringSuitable for large spaces, avoid direct sunlight for young palms
Sword fernIndirect sunlightRegular wateringNative to Americas, can grow up to 1 meter
Braided money treeIndirect sunlightWeekly or bi-weeklyAssociated with positive energy, avoid overwatering
Lady palmBright indirect lightModerate wateringSlow-growing, creates a calm atmosphere
Spider plantIndirect sunlightModerate wateringPurifying, can be propagated
Snake plantIndirect sunlightRegular wateringTolerates dry conditions, produces oxygen at night
Bird’s nest fernIndirect sunlightModerate wateringPrefers filtered sunlight, constant humidity
Baby rubber plantLow lightBi-weeklyCan survive without sunlight, moderate sunlight exposure

All of these plant which I named them are totally suitable for baby nursery place, now let’s now how to setup them and taking care of them.

List Of Houseplants That Are Perfect for Your Baby’s Nursery

Baby’s tear

This kind of plant is suitable for kindergarten. It’s easy to grow and beautiful accessory to design a place. They prefer to receive indirect sunlight, they are normally thirsty plant and you shouldn’t let them dry and the best temperature for them is between 50 and 70 degree. In addition to these points, as mentioned in the article Plants Safe for Birds, this plant is also safe for birds.


Dracaena is a plant which it purify the air and it is good choice for baby’s nursery because it can cause excitement in your little baby heart. This plant does the best of itself in brightness so they like to be in front of the sunlight. You should keep it moist during their growing season.

Cast iron plant

As it’s clear from its name, iron plant is a hard plant which it makes it one of the best choice to grow it because you can hardly kill it. Cast iron plant doesn’t like direct sunlight, about watering I have to say keep its soil moist in moderation.

Parlor palm

This little palm is a purifier plant which it is so soft when you touch it so it’s harmless to children. They are known as a low light houseplants but it doesn’t mean no light. To watering this plant you have to consider moderation because this plant can’t tolerate over watering.


Calathea medallion

This beautiful plant is part of prayer plant, which they open and close its leaves. And they are exist in different beautiful color. This plant prefer to receive indirect sunlight, the best idea for watering this plant is having regular plan to watering this and keep its soil moist.

We recommend checking out the article Indoor Plants That Help You Sleep before introducing another one of the houseplants that are perfect for your baby’s nursery.

Kentia palm

This plant is purifier too and it is suitable for huge place, because it is one of the plant which it can grow up well. Kentia palm need moderation of sunlight no different direct or indirect but important point is you don’t have put your palm which they are younger than 5 in front of the sunlight directly.

Sword fern

This plant is native to the America and it can grow up to 1 meter in extreme. You can put this plant directly in front of the sun a few hours in a day not more than this. You have to watering them regularly until make its soil moist but be careful not wet only moistly.

As mentioned in gardenia:

It will grow in full sun if watered regularly in summer. Will tolerate dry shade and poorer soil once established. Protect crowns from excessive winter wet.

Braided money tree

This plant is one of the plant which it is known for feng shui houseplants and it can bring positive vibe to the place. They like indirect sunlight. Water this plant once in a week or once in couple of the week, they don’t like to be wet.

Lady palm

This beautiful tropical plant is one of the plant which they grow slowly and it can make the place so calm. They can get bright indirect light near a window. Lady palm need the moderation of watering and it can tolerate waterless near to rotting.

As mentioned in thespruce:

Lady palms thrive in typical room temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees F. In the colder months, be sure the temperature does not drop below 55 degrees F, as anything colder damages the plant. Protect your plant from cold drafts, as well as from blowing hot air (such as air from a heating vent) that will dry it out.

Spider plant

You can put this beautiful plant or hang it on a corner of your place. It’s also purifier plant and one another property of this plant is you can propagate this and make more from this. This plant prefer indirect sunlight.

Snake plant

This purifier plant can tolerate dry situation and it can control the light of the sun for itself, snake plant produce oxygen at night. Snake plant like to receive indirect sunlight 8 to 10 hours in a day and early morning direct sunlight for a few hours. And when its soil become completely dry it is time to watering this plant.

Bird’s nest fern

This  beautiful indoor plant need to receive indirectly sunlight and moderation of watering. So Bird’s nest fern can make the place beautiful. This plant like to receive filtered sunlight to partial shade, they prefer constant humidity of the soil but you have to consider that point they don’t have good function in wet soil.

Baby rubber plant

Baby rubber plant is one of the plant which it can survive without any light from the sun. This property makes this plant into suitable plant for rooms which they have few windows. The leaves of this plant will burn in front of the sunlight so keep moderation about the sunlight. The best plan for watering this plant is every 1 or 2 weeks.


Is it safe to have live plants in baby nursery?

It’s necessary to know which plants are toxic and which of them are safe to keep near the baby. But generally plants are the best purifier of the air, so they are not bad to keep in the room which baby or children are in it. It’s enough to know what plant is good to do this.

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