25 Top most beautiful indoor plants

beautiful indoor plants

Some people are interested in breeding plants in their house, because they are beautiful, they make air fresh, they have positive energy and they are alive creation which some of them with low maintenance can give a unique beauty to your home or even your office. Now let’s meet some of the most beautiful indoor plants.

List of most beautiful indoor plants

Hindu Rope Hoya

This plant has a unique appearance with its small and wrinkled leaves.

Hindu Rope Hoya

Bird of paradise

This beautiful plant has huge green leaves. This plant can survive in variety of the light situation, but it needs regularly watring.

Be aware that the Bird of Paradise, in addition to being categorized as a beautiful indoor plant, is also one of the list of child-safe indoor plants.

Nerve Plant

Nerve plants have very gorgeous leaves. And they are sensitive about watering and dry weather of the house, you have to keep balance in watering this plant.

Nerve Plant


This plant has green leaves with yellow and orange line on it and it seems very beautiful. But you have to remember this point that you should put it in place which the bright sunlight shine on it indirectly.

If you want to know how to care for croton, please see the following paragraph from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

  • Place croton in a sunny location such as an eastern, southern, or western window. If croton is getting too little light, its newer leaves will be less colorful.
  • Keep the soil evenly moist, but let it dry out between waterings.
  • If humidity is low in your home, mist around the leaves with water once a week or keep a tray of wet gravel near the plant.
  • Croton leaves are dust magnets. Gently wipe the leaves with a moist cloth twice a month to keep them clean and dust-free.
  • Fertilize the plant in spring and summer, while the plant is actively growing. In fall and winter, refrain from fertilize more sparingly or fertilizing altogether.
  • New croton plants can be started with 4- to 6-inch stem cuttings. Remove the bottom leaves and place the cutting in a glass of water. After roots have formed, plant in a small pot.
  • Repot the plant in the spring if it has grown too large for its current pot.


This plant exists in different colors and shapes. Keep Calathea in normal temperature of the room and avoid to keep it in front of the wind.

Silver Vase Plant

This weird indoor plant with silver leaves is a little sensitive about watering. You have to provide bright indirect sunlight to grow it well.

Red Aglaonema

As the name of this plant appears the color of this aglaonema is green with red and somewhere pink lines, which it cause the beauty of this.

Red Aglaonema


This beautiful plant can give you blossoms in shadow color such as: white, pink or red. They are low maintenance which can live long.

African Mask Plant

Mask plant with dark green leaves which they have narrow white lines on them, can appear like unnatural plant, they need moderation of the watering to grow well.

Prayer Plant

This low maintenance plant with dark green leaves and pink vein on them, is one the most beautiful plant for your room. It needs moderation of watering and bright sunlight.

Prayer Plant


This easy and low maintenance plant is appropriate for who lives in warm climate and who have a window which it is west or south facing.

Fiber-Optic Grass

This beautiful green plant with yellow blossom needs warm and bright place to grow well.

Ti Plant

This four season gorgeous plant with its dark purple and light pink gives a unique beauty to your room.


Oxalis live long and its fruit is eatable. It has purple, pink and white blossom which they are cause of the beauty of this plant. They prefer to receive bright light of the sun.

Ponytail Palm

This exotic plant is low maintenance, they grow slowly. Ponytail palm gives your home tropical attraction.

Ponytail Palm


This colorful plant, seems gorgeous with or without its blossoms because of the varieties of its leaves color.

Rex Begonia

Rex Begonia is one the most beautiful plant in the word. Keep them in place which it is bright shady spot.

Rex Begonia


Before introducing another one of the pretty indoor plants, we invite you to visit the article on the Worst Houseplants.

Monstera Deliciosa

This plant has huge dark green leaves. If you put it near a window which it receive indirect sunlight all day long it can grow well.


This tall plant gives a beauty to your place. Keep its watering in moderation and put it in front of the bright sunlight.


If you have empty corner in your house and you want to design it with a plant Streptocarpus is one the best choice with their dark green leaves and beautiful flower which they are hovering above their leaves.

String of Pearls

This plant is low maintenance. String of pearls is stunning when they are hanging in a basket, they are resist in front of dry climate, by this way it doesn’t need regularly watering.

Song of India

One the most beautiful plant is song of india, with green leaves and a line in lime-yellow between the leaves.

Brazilian Fireworks

This plant is one of the beautiful thing in your house even without any flower. This plant prefer to be in shadow, and receive the sunlight indirectly. If you watering this plant occasionally it grows well.

Peace lily

Peace lily is low maintenance and one the most beautiful plant which also it is air cleaner, this plant can grow well in shadow.

African Violet

African violet is one the low maintenance indoor plant which it can gives you purple flowers.

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